

There is a place for you here.

Whether it's a Bible study, a life group, or a casual game night get-together, we have something for all ages and lifestyles. 

young adults

Whether you're in college, off on your own for the first time, or in between phases of life, we have a place for you in our Young Adults ministry!

College Ministry

College life is a ministry devoted to connecting college students to Jesus, the community, and each other. We strive to LIVE Christ, LOVE others, and GO join Jesus in what He is already doing in our community. From small groups to 8:12 Worship, there is something for all students!  

Get Connected


Siach is our group for young adults, the 20-30 somethings of Hosanna. The Hebrew word “siach” refers to “discourse” and is used in the Bible to describe conversations of intimacy, anger and heartfelt praise. Siach meets on Monday nights for worship and devotional time, along with other small gatherings throughout the year.
Get Connected


Adults of all ages and life stages have a place at Hosanna! Find your people and join a community! Check out our group listings below to get connected.


Find Your People
Find Your People: Real life change happens best in the context of authentic relationships. Get encouragement, scripture, prayer, and real joy in finding your people. Find a Group and go deeper in your faith with others.
Young Adults
Creative Arts


If you are interested in getting married at Hosanna Lutheran Church, your first step is to contact Melisa Rothenberger, 507-388-1766 or melisarothenberger@hosanna.church about reserving a date. The wedding date is secured when an information form and a $100 deposit has been submitted to Melisa. At the same time, you can pick up a wedding packet or you can view the wedding packet here.

The packet describes the process from reservation date until wedding day, offers suggestions for readings and vows, and includes other helpful information.

Blessings on your wedding day and your lifetime as husband and wife!

“Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman, ‘ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:22-24

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