

New to journeys? start with our newcomers class at 6:30pm in the library each tuesday after worship.

A safe Place to Connect

Our Journeys mission is for everyone to find a safe place to belong, recover from a season of hardship, and receive hope and healing from Jesus Christ. Through our Journeys worship, large groups, and small life groups adults, kids, and youth find that they are not alone in their hardships. We walk alongside each other with support each Tuesday night.

“I will lead by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” ~Isaiah 42:16

*Free childcare for those participating in Journeys is available for infants and children through 5 years old not yet in kindergarten. *

Tuesday Evening Schedule

  • 5:00-5:45 pm : Meal
  • 5:50-6:20 pm : Journeys Worship
  • 6:30-8:00 pm : Life Groups

journeys life groups

Journeys Life Groups vary in length of weeks and seasons offered. We offer a newcomers session to find out what group will meet your current life situation. Check back frequently, call the church, or email Journeys@hosanna.church to find new groups or to verify which ones are currently meeting.

Pre-registration is not required for any of these groups. Pre-registration helps us to know you are coming and to welcome you and provide answers to any questions you might have.  To register in person simply register at the welcome desk or with your life group leader


Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Bible-based 12-step plan to guide your journey toward victory over hurts, habits and hang-ups such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, eating disorders, depression, overspending, pornography, codependency and sexual issues. Discover new life, joy and purpose in Christ. (Separate groups for men and women.) Go to celebraterecovery.com for more information.


DivorceCare offers support through 13 week DVD sessions with Biblical truth and wisdom for those suffering from the deep hurts of divorce. This journey leads to hope & healing in Jesus resulting in renewed peace and joy, gifts from deeper relationship with God and renewed assurance of His love and presence.


GriefShare life groups are led by people with life experience in grief. You will also benefit from professional grief experts through 13 week DVD sessions and participant books as well as the insight and experiences from others in your group. GriefShare resources help you move toward hope & healing in Christ using Bible-based materials. You are welcome to join at any time.

Register for 3:00pm
Register for 6:30pm

Light in the Dark

Light in the Dark: Starting on January 7th, we will be starting a 10-week study on Max Lucado's book "Anxious for Nothing." Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Is irrational anxiety your constant companion? Let God help you win the war on worry and receive the lasting peace of Christ.

Join us Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. Light in the Dark offers hope and healing through Christ-centered curriculum, covering topics related to anxiety, depression, mental health, and the challenging times life throws our way.

Care for Caregivers

Care for Caregivers: This group will remind you that Jesus is still meeting you where you are and equipping you to walk this caregiving journey with him. Through the book, “Who Cares for You?”, designed for all types of caregivers—whether you have a special needs child, an aging parent, or a chronically ill spouse—you’ll take comfort in Jesus’ personal encounters with caregivers and discover how God is empowering you to care for your loved one.


Authentic Hope

Authentic Hope: For women seeking healing and freedom from trauma and abuse.


Contact Dani Fisher with questions, danifisher@hosanna.church


Life's Healing Choices for Women

Life's Healing Choices: This study offers freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits through eight healing choices that promise true happiness and life transformation. The eight choices are based on the Beatitudes of Jesus.


Journeys Bible Study

Open to all adults wanting to learn more about God's Word.





Cancer Prayer Support Group

The Cancer Prayer Support Group is for men, women, and teenagers, including cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their caregivers.

The purpose of this life group is to provide a safe place where people receive and provide emotional and spiritual encouragement to one another.

The group will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 4:00PM at Hosanna Lutheran Church, Mankato, MN





Throughout this ministry, we explore the valuable journeys that many people from the Bible experience. By using examples from God’s Word, we can learn how to navigate our own struggles in life and look to Jesus for strength in all things. For grades K-5.


Journeys Youth will be using TreeHouse support group. The key goals of TreeHouse support group includes identifying and communicating feelings, learning to cope and to trust, and provide caring adults who facilitate peer support. Every youth is lovable, capable, and worth while. You belong here, all are welcome!

6th-8th Registration
9th-12th Registration

Volunteer at Journeys

Hosanna is in need of disciples and community members who would like to help with Journeys on Tuesday evenings. Here are some opportunities to serve Jesus by caring for His children:

  • Meal helpers
  • Life Group Leaders
  • Greeters
  • Prayer support team
  • Information Center assistants
  • Tech Help
  • Support Volunteers

Interested in volunteering? Sign up below!

leader resources and training
FAQ's & Resources

We've got you covered.

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