Sr. High Alaska Mission Trip

The Hosanna Sr. High Student Ministry will be flying to Anchorage, Alaska. The trip is from July 27th – August 3rd. We will be staying at a church, school, or camp as our “base camp” throughout the week while our group is split up into smaller work crews and sent out to different service site in and around Anchorage Alaska. Type of mission work that we may do: working with different charities (Red Cross, homeless shelters, food kitchens, etc.), work projects in churches, school, or in and around people’s homes, and/or work with adults, elderly, or kids. We’re making sure “our neighbors in Alaska” receive the care they need while we are connecting with Jesus and each other. There will also be time to do some sight-seeing, etc.
Dates of event: July 27th, 2024 – August 3rd, 2024.
Cost: $800 per student
Register & have HALF ($400) paid by Jan. 25th.
**If you/your family may have a hard time coming up with the funds to go PLEASE email/reach out to Heather. We NEVER want cost to be a reason why students are unable to go. We have people who are willing to sponsor youth going on mission trips.**
Contact Heather Dimmel with questions,
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Jul 27 2024 - Aug 03 2024


All Day