current confirmands
If you are not currently registered for confirmation, please click the button below!
Unit Check-ins are used to summarize what the students have learned in the journal units. Please complete online forms to the right.
Each unit has a corresponding video, which you can access by clicking on the video icon next to each button.
service hours
10 Service Hours will need to be completed before students can sign up for a confirmation worship service. After volunteering, fill out the "Service Hours Completion Form," and turn in to Jon Zellar.

small group attendance
We expect every student registered in the confirmation journey to attend their HosannaStudents teaching and small group time on a regular basis. If students are in 9th grade and above we expect them to be active in Wednesday night senior high youth group. Students also can choose to stay in worship and complete Worship Notes. There are links below for the forms that need to be completed. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jon Zellar at

ready to be confirmed?
Once you have completed all the necessary elements for confirmation, you will need to sign up for a confirmation service. Sign up below for the service you will be attending.